helping Audacious

 entrepreneurs Amplify their Brands!


Have you been thinking of:

starting a Podcast?

Join the AMPLIFY Podcast Accelerator, a comprehensive done-for-you podcast service, offers a range of benefits for individuals looking to establish or enhance their podcasting presence. Here are three key advantages:

Comprehensive Podcast Production:

  • Ideation to Post-Production: We handle all aspects, including planning, high-quality production, and editing.
  • SEO & Graphics: Each episode comes with SEO-optimized show notes and engaging graphics.
  • Professional Quality: Ensures your podcast stands out, letting you focus on content.

Time-Efficient & Hassle-Free:

  • 7-Day Turnaround: Quick editorial process with on-site recordings. (applies to concierge plan only)
  • Full Support: Includes equipment setup, guest coordination, and post-recording file management.

Enhanced Engagement & Reach:

  • Social Media Ready: 5-7 reels per episode for easy sharing. (applies to concierge plan only)
  • Amplify Your Audience: Designed to boost reach and keep listeners engaged.

By joining the AMPLIFY Podcast Accelerator, you’re not just getting a podcast – you’re getting a comprehensive package designed to elevate your podcasting experience, enhance your brand’s presence, and engage your audience more effectively.

Transformational Results…

Black Woman Content Creator

Effortless Content Creation and Elevated Brand Visibility

Imagine effortlessly turning your vision into a reality, where every podcast episode is a messaging masterpiece reflecting your brand’s essence and a beacon for your ideal client. Say goodbye to the stress of creating 60 second content that doesnt give your ideal client enough time to know, like and trust you. With us, your brand doesn’t just speak; it echoes, reaching new ears, attracting a broader audience, and setting the digital stage ablaze with your presence. Your story deserves the spotlight; let us illuminate it.

black female podcaster

Strategic Monetization Pathways for Financial Growth

Picture your podcast not just as a platform for sharing ideas but as a dynamic revenue generator. Dive into a world where your content does more than engage—it earns. Through tailored monetization strategies, watch as your podcast transforms into a financial powerhouse, tapping into streams of revenue you never knew existed. From sponsorships to exclusive content, your podcast becomes the key to unlocking new levels of financial freedom and business growth.

Establishment as a Respected Thought Leader in Your Niche

Envision yourself not just participating in your industry but leading it. Your podcast becomes more than a channel; it’s your podium, your stage, setting you apart as a thought leader. Each episode cements your reputation, showcasing your insights, and inviting your audience into a world shaped by your expertise. Engage, influence, and inspire. As your influence grows, so do opportunities for collaborations, speaking engagements, and leadership roles. Your voice is powerful; it’s time it’s recognized.

What we do

Shani Allman, LLC

At Shani Allman, LLC, our mission is to empower entrepreneurs, with a special nod to those who, like our founder, started their journey amidst adversity, to break free from the constraints that hold them back and amplify their voices through the transformative power of podcasting. We are dedicated to tearing down the barriers of entry into the podcasting sphere, offering accessible, transparent, and authentic support that enables our clients to broadcast their unique messages with confidence and clarity.

Shani Allman, a trailblazer who transformed her challenges as a single mother into a beacon of empowerment and success, leads our venture with transparency, authenticity, and generosity at its heart. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to meet our diverse clientele right where they are, ensuring that every entrepreneur, no matter their story or financial situation, has the opportunity to be heard.

We pride ourselves on our unique perspective, born from genuine experiences rather than secondhand narratives, allowing us to intimately understand the hurdles faced by ambitious entrepreneurs. At Shani Allman, LLC, we do more than just produce podcasts; we craft platforms for impact, growth, and connection, helping our clients’ brands and messages to thrive and resonate widely. Our mission is to amplify your voice, ensuring that your message not only reaches but deeply impacts your intended audience, propelling your brand to new heights.

Services We Offer:

  • Coaching Services: Tailored coaching to refine your podcasting vision and strategy, ensuring your content thrives.
  • Concierge Podcast Production Services: Hassle-free, professional podcast production, from recording to post-editing, enabling you to focus on creating impactful content.
  • Community: Our AMPLIFIED community is a network of bold entrepreneurs sharing strategies and insights for podcast growth and monetization.

Why Choose Us?

Our approach is centered on quality, representation, and community. We believe in providing services that not only meet the highest standards of excellence but also reflect the diversity and inclusivity of our clients. By choosing us, you’re not just gaining access to expert podcasting services; you’re joining a movement dedicated to amplifying the diverse voices of audacious entrepreneurs in the digital space.

At Shani Allman, LLC, we’re more than a service provider; we’re your partner in crafting a podcasting strategy that aligns with your business goals and values. Let’s work together to turn your podcast into a powerful platform for growth and impact.

Reach out today to learn more about how we can amplify your brand, deepen your audience engagement, and drive meaningful growth for your business. Together, we’ll create a podcast that not only resonates with listeners but also truly represents your unique brand and message.

Follow These Steps…




Explore my website and social media platforms or listen to my podcast to understand my coaching style, values, and offerings. You can also sign up for my email list to stay updated on my latest content and program announcements.


Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

This is a complimentary Podcast Consultation to connect with you on a deeper level and see if we are a good fit to work together. This allows us to understand your specific needs, goals, and challenges. During this conversation, I will provide insights and recommendations on how our programs can help you on your journey.


Program Selection

Program Selection

Based on your goals and aspirations, we will guide you in choosing the most suitable program for your needs. Whether it's our AMPLIFY Podcast Accelerator, AMPLIFY Academy, AMPLIFIED Coaching or our AMPLIFIED Community we'll ensure the program aligns with your specific requirements.


Enrollment and Agreement

Enrollment & Agreement

Once you decide to move forward, you can complete the enrollment process. This involves signing our terms and agreement, reviewing our expectations for success, and securing investment required for the chosen program. We will be sure to clarify the program's structure, deliverables, and the support you will receive.


Onboarding and Orientation

Onboarding and Orientation

As a part of the onboarding process, We provide a comprehensive welcome packet that includes a personalized welcome letter, program overview, expectations, and any additional resources or materials you need to get started. According to your program we will schedule an orientation session to familiarize yourself with the program structure, communication channels, and access to the community.


Coaching Sessions and Support

Coaching Sessions and Support

All of our programs offer support for your podcast journey. Whether it's 1:1 coaching, group coaching calls, or a combination of both, our programs are designed to provide valuable insights, guidance, and support to help you in developing your business, deepening your audience engagement and establishing you as a thought leader in your industry.


Ongoing Communication and Accountability

Ongoing Communication and Accountability

Our mission is to make sure you feel seen and supported on your podcast journey. Therefore you can expect us to maintain regular communication with you through email updates, progress check-ins, and sharing relevant resources. Our goal is to foster a supportive and accountable environment where you can reach out for guidance, ask questions, and celebrate your wins.

By following these steps,

We can create a seamless and empowering experience for you, as you embark on your podcast journey.

Signup for a

Podcast consultation

Fill out the form below

What our clients are saying?

done for you podcast services

What people get
from the program:


Boost Confidence:

Elevate your self-assurance in your voice and the value you bring to your audience. Our program hones your message, and reinforces the uniqueness of your brand. Witness your confidence soar as you become a more effective communicator, ready to share your insights boldly and authentically. With newfound confidence, you’ll connect with your audience on a deeper level and open doors to new opportunities.


Clarity & Direction:

Dive deep into the essence of your brand and message, emerging with a clear vision for your podcast. Our program strips away the noise, helping you focus on what truly matters for your podcast’s success. You’ll gain a sharp understanding of your goals, audience, and how to craft content that resonates, guiding every step of your podcasting journey with purpose and precision.


Mindset Shifts:

Transform your perspective and approach to challenges. Our coaching instills a growth mindset, empowering you to view obstacles as opportunities for innovation and learning. Break through mental barriers that have held you back, adopt a mindset of abundance, and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. With each session, you’ll feel more resilient and equipped to tackle the podcasting world.


Enhanced Time Management:

Reclaim your time and energy. With the heavy lifting of podcast production off your shoulders, you’ll master the art of efficient content creation and scheduling. Learn strategies to streamline your workflow, allowing you to focus on growing your business, engaging with your audience, and pursuing passions outside of work. Our program teaches you how to maximize productivity without sacrificing quality.


Strategic Insight:

Gain a deep understanding of the podcasting landscape and how to navigate it successfully. Our programs equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about content, marketing, and monetization strategies. Understand the intricacies of audience engagement, SEO for podcasts, and how to leverage analytics for growth. Armed with strategic insights, you’ll be well on your way to podcasting success, making informed choices that propel your podcast forward.


Community and Support:

Step into a vibrant community of like-minded podcasters who understand your journey. Our programs offer more than just services; they provide a network of support, advice, and collaboration. Engage with peers, share challenges and victories, and build lasting relationships that enrich both your personal and professional life. In this community, you’ll never feel alone.

Hey there, beautiful friend!

I’m Shani Fayola Allman

I’m on a mission to AMPLIFY, audacious entrepreneurs like you to. Why? Because I’ve been right where you are, and I know the unique challenges and dreams that fuel your fire.

The Breakaway Blueprint:

How to stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like a boss!

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